API Docs for: 1.10.1 最后更新日期:2016年03月28日

File: text/LTextField.js

/** @language chinese
 * 创建新的 LTextField 实例。在创建 LTextField 实例后,调用父 LSprite 对象的 addChild() 或 addChildAt() 方法可将 LTextField 实例添加到显示列表中。
 * LTextField 类的方法允许您设置、选择并操作在创作过程中或运行时创建的动态或输入文本字段中的文本。
 * @class LTextField
 * @extends LInteractiveObject
 * @constructor
 * @example
 * 	var theTextField = new LTextField();
 * 	theTextField.setType(LTextFieldType.INPUT);
 * 	theTextField.x = 10;
 * 	theTextField.y = 10;
 * 	addChild(theTextField);
 * @examplelink <p><a href="../../../api/LTextField/index.html" target="_blank">测试链接</a></p>
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @public
var LTextField = (function () {
	function LTextField () {
		var s = this;
		LExtends(s, LInteractiveObject, []);
		/** @language chinese
		 * 对象的类型
		 * @property type
		 * @type String
		 * @default LTextField
		 * @since 1.0.0
		 * @public
		s.type = "LTextField";
		s.texttype = null;
		/** @language chinese
		 * 作为文本字段中当前文本的字符串。各行之间用回车符('\n')分隔。
		 * @property text
		 * @type String
		 * @since 1.0.0
		 * @public
		s.text = "";
		/** @language chinese
		 * 包含文本字段内容的 HTML 表示形式。
		 * 目前支持以下 HTML 标签:
		 * <table>
		 * <tr><th>标签</th><th>说明</th></tr>
		 * <tr><td>粗体标签</td><td>&lt;b> 标签以粗体形式呈现文本。粗体必须可用于所使用的字体。</td></tr>
		 * <tr><td>字体标签</td><td>&lt;font> 标签指定一种字体或一个字体列表来显示文本。字体标签支持以下属性:
		 *  <p>・color:字体的颜色。</p>
		 *  <p>・face:指定要使用的字体的名称。</p>
		 *  <p>・size:指定字体的大小。</p>
		 * 	</td></tr>
		 * <tr><td>斜体标签</td><td>&lt;i> 标签以斜体形式显示标签中的文本。斜体必须可用于所使用的字体。</td></tr>
		 * <tr><td>段落标签</td><td>&lt;p> 标签创建一个新段落。必须将文本字段设置为多行文本字段才能使用此标签。</td></tr>
		 * <tr><td>span 标签</td><td>&lt;span> 标签只可用于 CSS 文本样式。它支持以下属性:<p>・class:指定 LStyleSheet 对象定义的 CSS 样式类。</p></td></tr>
		 * <tr><td>下划线标签</td><td>&lt;u> 标签为标签文本添加下划线。</td></tr>
		 * </table>
		 * @property htmlText
		 * @type String
		 * @since 1.9.8
		 * @public
		 * @example
		 *	var theTextField = new LTextField();
		 *	theTextField.setWordWrap(true,30);
		 *	theTextField.htmlText = "ABC<font face='Book Antiqua' color=\"#FF0000\" size='20'>A<p>B</p>C<font color='#008800' size='24'><i>ABC</i><font size='15'>ABC</font></font>ABC</font>ABC<b>ABC</b><u>ABC</u>";
		 *	theTextField.x = 10;
		 *	theTextField.y = 100;
		 *	theTextField.textBaseline = "alphabetic";
		 *	addChild(theTextField);
		 * @examplelink <p><a href="../../../api/LTextField/htmlText.html" target="_blank">测试链接</a></p>
		s.htmlText = "";
		/** @language chinese
		 * 将样式表附加到文本字段。有关创建样式表的信息,请参阅 <a href="LStyleSheet.html">LStyleSheet</a> 类
		 * @property styleSheet
		 * @type LStyleSheet
		 * @since 1.9.8
		 * @public
		 * @example
		 * 	var styleSheet = new LStyleSheet();
		 * 	styleSheet.setStyle(".test","{color:#FF0000;font-size:40}");
		 * 	styleSheet.setStyle("myText","{color:#008800;font-size:30}");
		 * 	var theTextField = new LTextField();
		 * 	theTextField.htmlText = "ABC<span class='test'>ABC<myText><i>ABC</i>ABC</myText>ABC</span>ABC<b>ABC</b><u>ABC</u>";
		 * 	theTextField.x = 10;
		 * 	theTextField.y = 100;
		 * 	theTextField.styleSheet = styleSheet;
		 * 	addChild(theTextField);
		 * @examplelink <p><a href="../../../api/LTextField/styleSheet.html" target="_blank">测试链接</a></p>
		s.styleSheet = "";
		/** @language chinese
		 * 使用此文本格式的文本的字体名称,以字符串形式表示。
		 * @property font
		 * @type String
		 * @since 1.0.0
		 * @default Arial
		 * @example
		 * 	var theTextField = new LTextField();
		 * 	theTextField.text = "font test";
		 * 	theTextField.x = 10;
		 * 	theTextField.y = 10;
		 * 	theTextField.font = "Georgia";
		 * 	addChild(theTextField);
		 * @examplelink <p><a href="../../../api/LTextField/font.html" target="_blank">测试链接</a></p>
		 * @public
		s.font = "Arial";
		/** @language chinese
		 * 使用此文本格式的文本的大小(以像素为单位)。
		 * @property size
		 * @type int
		 * @since 1.0.0
		 * @default 11
		 * @example
		 * 	var theTextField = new LTextField();
		 * 	theTextField.text = "size test";
		 * 	theTextField.x = 10;
		 * 	theTextField.y = 10;
		 * 	theTextField.size = 20;
		 * 	addChild(theTextField);
		 * @examplelink <p><a href="../../../api/LTextField/size.html" target="_blank">测试链接</a></p>
		 * @public
		s.size = 15;
		/** @language chinese
		 * 表示文本的颜色。
		 * @property color
		 * @type String
		 * @since 1.0.0
		 * @default "#000000"
		 * @example
		 * 	var theTextField = new LTextField();
		 * 	theTextField.text = "color test";
		 * 	theTextField.x = 10;
		 * 	theTextField.y = 10;
		 * 	theTextField.color = "#FF0000";
		 * 	addChild(theTextField);
		 * @examplelink <p><a href="../../../api/LTextField/color.html" target="_blank">测试链接</a></p>
		 * @public
		s.color = "#000000";
		/** @language chinese
		 * 规定字体的粗细。
		 * @property weight
		 * @type String
		 * @since 1.0.0
		 * @default normal
		 * @example
		 * 	var theTextField = new LTextField();
		 * 	theTextField.text = "weight test";
		 * 	theTextField.x = 10;
		 * 	theTextField.y = 10;
		 * 	theTextField.weight = "bolder";
		 * 	addChild(theTextField);
		 * @examplelink <p><a href="../../../api/LTextField/weight.html" target="_blank">测试链接</a></p>
		 * @public
		s.weight = "normal";
		/** @language chinese
		 * 表示段落的对齐方式(水平)。
		 * @property textAlign
		 * @type String
		 * @since 1.0.0
		 * @default left
		 * @public
		s.textAlign = "left";
		/** @language chinese
		 * 表示段落的对齐方式(竖直)。
		 * @property textBaseline
		 * @type String
		 * @since 1.0.0
		 * @default top
		 * @public
		s.textBaseline = "top";
		/** @language chinese
		 * <p>获取文字高度的时候,是否以[gjpqy]为标准。</p>
		 * <p>可以设定的值有下面两种:</p>
		 * <p>LTextField.HEIGHT_MODE_BOTTOM:获取文字高度时,不考虑[gjpqy]的下半部。</p>
		 * <p>LTextField.HEIGHT_MODE_BASELINE:获取文字高度时,考虑[gjpqy]的下半部。</p>
		 * <p>也就是说使用LTextField.HEIGHT_MODE_BASELINE获取高度,比LTextField.HEIGHT_MODE_BOTTOM要略大。</p>
		 * <p>注意:HTML5中没有直接获取文字高度的方法,所以这两种方式无论使用哪一种获取的高度都无法绝对准确。</p>
		 * @property heightMode
		 * @type float
		 * @since 1.9.1
		 * @default LTextField.HEIGHT_MODE_BOTTOM
		 * @public
		s.heightMode = LTextField.HEIGHT_MODE_BOTTOM;
		/** @language chinese
		 * 文字描边效果。
		 * @property stroke
		 * @type String
		 * @since 1.0.0
		 * @default false
		 * @example
		 * 	var theTextField = new LTextField();
		 * 	theTextField.text = "stroke test";
		 * 	theTextField.size = 50;
		 * 	theTextField.stroke = true;
		 * 	theTextField.lineWidth = 2;
		 * 	theTextField.lineColor = "#FF0000";
		 * 	addChild(theTextField);
		 * @examplelink <p><a href="../../../api/LTextField/stroke.html" target="_blank">测试链接</a></p>
		 * @public
		s.stroke = false;
		/** @language chinese
		 * 文字描边效果的线宽。
		 * @property lineWidth
		 * @type int
		 * @since 1.0.0
		 * @default 1
		 * @public
		s.lineWidth = 1;
		/** @language chinese
		 * 文字描边效果的线的颜色。
		 * @property lineColor
		 * @type String
		 * @since 1.0.0
		 * @default "#000000"
		 * @public
		s.lineColor = "#000000";
		/** @language chinese
		 * 当设置换行有效(setWordWrap(true))的时候,可以通过它来设置文字宽度。
		 * @property width
		 * @type int
		 * @since 1.0.0
		 * @default 150
		 * @public
		s.width = 150;
		s.height = s.size;
		/** @language chinese
		 * 指定文本字段是否是密码文本字段。如果此属性的值为 true,则文本字段被视为密码文本字段,并使用星号而不是实际字符来隐藏输入的字符。如果为 false,则不会将文本字段视为密码文本字段。
		 * @property displayAsPassword
		 * @type Boolean
		 * @since 1.0.0
		 * @default false
		 * @example
		 * 	var theTextField = new LTextField();
		 * 	theTextField.setType(LTextFieldType.INPUT);
		 * 	theTextField.x = 10;
		 * 	theTextField.y = 10;
		 * 	theTextField.displayAsPassword = true;
		 * 	addChild(theTextField);
		 * @examplelink <p><a href="../../../api/LTextField/displayAsPassword.html" target="_blank">测试链接</a></p>
		 * @public
		s.displayAsPassword = false;
		s.wordWrap = false;
		s.multiline = false;
		/** @language chinese
		 * [只读]定义多行文本字段中的文本行数。如果 setWordWrap(true),则在文本自动换行时会增加行数。
		 * @property numLines
		 * @type int
		 * @since 1.9.0
		 * @public
		s.numLines = 1;
		/** @language chinese
		 * 文本逐字显示的速度
		 * @property speed
		 * @type int
		 * @default 0
		 * @since 1.0.0
		 * @example
		 * 	LInit(50, "legend", 800, 480, main);
		 * 	function main () {
		 * 		var theTextField = new LTextField();
		 * 		theTextField.text = "wait click";
		 * 		theTextField.x = 10;
		 * 		theTextField.y = 10;
		 * 		theTextField.size = 20;
		 * 		addChild(theTextField);
		 * 		var button = new LButtonSample1("wind test start");
		 * 		button.textField = theTextField;
		 * 		button.x = 10;
		 * 		button.y = 100;
		 * 		addChild(button);
		 * 		button.addEventListener(LMouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onclick);
		 * 	}
		 * 	function windOver(event){
		 * 		var theTextField = event.target;
		 * 		theTextField.removeEventListener(LTextEvent.WIND_COMPLETE, windOver);
		 * 		theTextField.text = "wind over";
		 * 	}
		 * 	function onclick(event){
		 * 	var theTextField = event.currentTarget.textField;
		 * 		if (theTextField.hasEventListener(LTextEvent.WIND_COMPLETE)) {
		 * 			theTextField.removeEventListener(LTextEvent.WIND_COMPLETE, windOver);
		 * 		}
		 * 		theTextField.speed = 3;
		 * 		theTextField.wind();
		 * 		theTextField.addEventListener(LTextEvent.WIND_COMPLETE, windOver);
		 * 	}
		 * @examplelink <p><a href="../../../api/LTextField/wind.html" target="_blank">测试链接</a></p>
		 * @public
		s.speed = 0;
		s._speedIndex = 100;
	LTextField.HEIGHT_MODE_BOTTOM = "bottom";
	LTextField.HEIGHT_MODE_BASELINE = "baseline";
	var p = {
		_showReady : function (c) {
			var s = this;
			c.font = s.weight + " " + s.size + "px " + s.font;  
			c.textAlign = s.textAlign;
			c.textBaseline = s.textBaseline;
		ll_getStyleSheet : function (textFormat, tabName, attribute, text) {
			var s = this, pattern, tf = textFormat.clone();
			if (tabName == "font") {
				var i = 0;
				while (attribute) {
					if (i++ > 4)
					pattern = /(([^\s]*?)(\s*)=(\s*)("|')(.*?)\5)*/g;
					var arr = pattern.exec(attribute);
					if (!arr || !arr[0]) {
					switch(arr[2]) {
						case "face":
							tf.font = arr[6];
						case "color":
							tf.color = arr[6];
						case "size":
							tf.size = arr[6];
					attribute = attribute.replace(arr[0], "").replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)|(\n)/g, "");
			} else if (tabName == "b") {
				tf.bold = true;
			} else if (tabName == "u") {
				tf.underline = true;
			} else if (tabName == "i") {
				tf.italic = true;
			} else if (tabName == "p" && s.wordWrap) {
				text = "\n" + text + "\n";
			} else if(s.styleSheet){
				var sheetObj;
				if (tabName == "span"){
					pattern = /(([^\s]*?)(\s*)=(\s*)("|')(.*?)\5)*/g;
					var arr = pattern.exec(attribute);
					if (arr && arr[0]) {
						switch(arr[2]) {
							case "class":
								sheetObj = s.styleSheet.getStyle("." + arr[6]);
				}else if(s.styleSheet.getStyle(tabName)){
					sheetObj = s.styleSheet.getStyle(tabName);
			s.ll_getHtmlText(tf, text); 
		ll_getHtmlText : function (tf, text) {
			if (!text) {
			var s = this, tabName, content, start, end, pattern = /<(.*?)(\s*)(.*?)>(.*?)<\/\1>/g, arr = pattern.exec(text);
			if (!arr || !arr[0]) {
					textFormat : tf.clone(),
					text : text
			if (arr.index > 0) {
					textFormat : tf.clone(),
					text : text.substring(0, arr.index)
			tabName = arr[1];
			start = arr.index;
			end = start;
			do {
				end = text.indexOf("</" + tabName, end + 1);
				start = text.indexOf("<" + tabName, start + 1);
			} while(start > 0 && start < end);
			content = text.substring(text.indexOf(">", arr.index) + 1, end);
			s.ll_getStyleSheet(tf, tabName, arr[3], content);
			s.ll_getHtmlText(tf, text.substring(end + tabName.length + 3));
		_ll_show : function (c) {
			var s = this, d, lbl, i, rc, j, l, k, m, b, h, enter, tf, underlineY;
			if (s.texttype == LTextFieldType.INPUT) {
				rc = s.getRootCoordinate();
				if (LGlobal.inputBox.name == "input" + s.objectIndex) {
					LGlobal.inputBox.style.marginTop = (parseInt(LGlobal.canvasObj.style.marginTop) + (((rc.y + s.inputBackLayer.startY()) * parseInt(LGlobal.canvasObj.style.height) / LGlobal.canvasObj.height) >>> 0)) + "px";
					LGlobal.inputBox.style.marginLeft = (parseInt(LGlobal.canvasObj.style.marginLeft) + (((rc.x + s.inputBackLayer.startX()) * parseInt(LGlobal.canvasObj.style.width) / LGlobal.canvasObj.width) >>> 0)) + "px";
				if (LGlobal.inputTextField && LGlobal.inputTextField.objectIndex == s.objectIndex) {
			if (LGlobal.fpsStatus) {
			c.fillStyle = s.color;
			if (s.stroke) {
				c.strokeStyle = s.lineColor;
				c.lineWidth = s.lineWidth + 1;  
			if (s.htmlText) {
				if (s.ll_htmlText != s.htmlText || (s.styleSheet && (s.ll_style_objectIndex != s.styleSheet.objectIndex || s.ll_styleIndex == s.styleSheet.styleIndex))) {
					tf = new LTextFormat();
					s.ll_htmlTexts = [];
					s.ll_htmlText = s.htmlText;
						s.ll_style_objectIndex = s.styleSheet.objectIndex;
						s.ll_styleIndex = s.styleSheet.styleIndex;
					s.ll_getHtmlText(tf, s.htmlText);
				j = 0, k = 0, m = 0, b = 0;
				s._ll_height = s.wordHeight || 30;
					LTextField.underlineY = {"alphabetic" : 0, "top" : 1, "bottom" : -0.2, "middle" : 0.4, "hanging" : 0.8};
					var textFormat = element.textFormat, text = element.text;
					c.font = textFormat.getFontText();
					c.fillStyle = textFormat.color;
					for (i = 0, l = text.length; i < l; i++) {
						enter = /(?:\r\n|\r|\n|¥n)/.exec(text.substr(i, 1));
						if (enter) {
							j = 0;
							k = i + 1;
						} else {
							h = c.measureText("O").width * 1.2;
							if (s.stroke) {
								c.strokeText(text.substr(i, 1), j, m * s._ll_height);
							c.fillText(text.substr(i, 1), j, m * s._ll_height);
								underlineY = m * s._ll_height + h * LTextField.underlineY[s.textBaseline];
								c.moveTo(j, underlineY);
								c.lineTo(j + c.measureText(text.substr(i, 1)).width, underlineY);
						j += c.measureText(text.substr(i, 1)).width;
						if (s.wordWrap && j + c.measureText(text.substr(i + 1, 1)).width > s.width) {
							j = 0;
							k = i + 1;
					s.height = (m + 1) * s._ll_height;
			lbl = s.text;
			if (s.displayAsPassword) {
				lbl = '';
				for (i=0, l = s.text.length; i < l; i++) {
					lbl += '*';
			if (s.wordWrap || s.multiline) {
				j = 0, k = 0, m = 0, b = 0;
				for (i = 0, l = s.text.length; i < l; i++) {
					enter = /(?:\r\n|\r|\n|¥n)/.exec(lbl.substr(i, 1));
					if (enter) {
						j = 0;
						k = i + 1;
					} else {
						if (s.stroke) {
							c.strokeText(lbl.substr(i, 1), j, m * s.wordHeight);
						c.fillText(lbl.substr(i, 1), j, m * s.wordHeight);
					s.numLines = m;
					j = c.measureText(s.text.substr(k, i + 1 - k)).width;
					if (s.wordWrap && j + c.measureText(lbl.substr(i, 1)).width > s.width) {
						j = 0;
						k = i + 1;
				s.height = (m + 1) * s.wordHeight;
			} else {
				s.numLines = 1;
				if (s.stroke) {
					c.strokeText(lbl, 0, 0, c.measureText(lbl).width);
				c.fillText(lbl, 0, 0, c.measureText(lbl).width);
			if (s.windRunning) {
		_wordHeight : function (h) {
			var s = this;
			if (h > 0) {
				s.wordHeight = h;
			} else {
				s.wordWrap = false;
				s.wordHeight = s.getHeight();
			s.height = 0;
		/** @language chinese
		 * 设置字段是否为多行文本字段。如果值为 true,则文本字段为多行文本字段;如果值为 false,则文本字段为单行文本字段。在类型为 LTextFieldType.INPUT 的字段中,将确定 Enter 键是否创建新行(如果值为 false,则将忽略 Enter 键)。
		 * @method setMultiline
		 * @param {Boolean} value 表示字段是否为多行文本字段.
		 * @param {int} height 指定一行文本的高度.
		 * @since 1.0.0
		 * @public
		 * @example
		 * 	var inputLayer = new LSprite();
		 * 	inputLayer.graphics.drawRect(1,"#000000",[0, 0, 400, 150]);
		 * 	var theTextField = new LTextField();
		 * 	theTextField.setType(LTextFieldType.INPUT,inputLayer);
		 * 	theTextField.setMultiline(true);
		 * 	addChild(theTextField);
		 * @examplelink <p><a href="../../../api/LTextField/setMultiline.html" target="_blank">测试链接</a></p>
		setMultiline : function (v, h) {
			var s = this;
			if (v) {
			s.multiline = v;
		/** @language chinese
		 * 表示文本字段是否自动换行。如果设置的值为 true,则该文本字段自动换行;如果值为 false,则该文本字段不自动换行。默认值为 false。
		 * @method setWordWrap
		 * @param {Boolean} value 表示文本字段是否自动换行.
		 * @param {int} height 指定一行文本的高度.
		 * @since 1.0.0
		 * @public
		 * @example
		 * 	var theTextField = new LTextField();
		 * 	theTextField.setWordWrap(true);
		 * 	theTextField.width = 200;
		 * 	theTextField.text = "text\ntext\ntexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttext";
		 * 	addChild(theTextField);
		 * @examplelink <p><a href="../../../api/LTextField/setWordWrap.html" target="_blank">测试链接</a></p>
		setWordWrap : function (v, h) {
			var s = this;
			if (v) {
			s.wordWrap = v;
		/** @language chinese
		 * 文本字段的类型。以下 LTextFieldType 常量中的任一个:LTextFieldType.DYNAMIC(指定用户无法编辑的动态文本字段),或 LTextFieldType.INPUT(指定用户可以编辑的输入文本字段)。默认值为 dynamic。
		 * @method setType
		 * @param {String} type 文本字段的类型。
		 * @param {LSprite} obj 文本框形状.
		 * @since 1.0.0
		 * @public
		 * @example
		 * 	var inputLayer = new LSprite();
		 * 	inputLayer.graphics.drawRect(1,"#000000",[0, 0, 400, 30]);
		 * 	var theTextField = new LTextField();
		 * 	theTextField.setType(LTextFieldType.INPUT,inputLayer);
		 * 	addChild(theTextField);
		 * @examplelink <p><a href="../../../api/LTextField/setType.html" target="_blank">测试链接</a></p>
		setType : function (type, inputBackLayer) {
			var s = this;
			if (s.texttype != type && type == LTextFieldType.INPUT) {
				if (inputBackLayer == null || inputBackLayer.type != "LSprite") {
					s.inputBackLayer = new LSprite();
					s.inputBackLayer.graphics.drawRect(1, "#000000", [0, -s.getHeight() * 0.4, s.width, s.getHeight() * 1.5]);
				} else {
					s.inputBackLayer = inputBackLayer;
				s.inputBackLayer.parent = s;
				if (LMouseEventContainer.container[LMouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN]) {
			} else {
				s.inputBackLayer = null;
			s.texttype = type;
		ismouseon : function (e, cood) {
			var s = this;
			if (!e) {
				return false;
			if (!s.visible) {
				return false;
			if (!cood) {
				cood = {x : 0, y : 0, scaleX : 1, scaleY : 1};
			if (s.mask) {
				if (!s.mask.parent) {
					s.mask.parent = s.parent;
				if (!s.mask.ismouseon(e, cood)) {
					return false;
			if (s.inputBackLayer) {
				return s.inputBackLayer.ismouseon(e, {x : s.x * cood.scaleX + cood.x, y : s.y * cood.scaleY + cood.y, scaleX : cood.scaleX * s.scaleX, scaleY : cood.scaleY * s.scaleY});
			return s.ismouseonShapes([{type : LShape.RECT, arg : [0, 0, s._getWidth(), s._getHeight()]}], e.offsetX, e.offsetY);
		/** @language chinese
		 * 返回一个LTextField的克隆对象。
		 * @method clone
		 * @return {LTextField} 一个新的 LTextField 对象,它与原始对象相同.
		 * @since 1.8.2
		 * @public
		 * @example
		 * 	var theTextField = new LTextField();
		 * 	theTextField.text = "font test";
		 * 	addChild(theTextField);
		 * 	var theTextField2 = theTextField.clone();
		 * 	theTextField2.y = 50;
		 * 	addChild(theTextField2);
		 * @examplelink <p><a href="../../../api/LTextField/clone.html" target="_blank">测试链接</a></p>
		clone : function () {
			var s = this, a = new s.constructor();
			a.texttype = null;
			if (s.texttype ==  LTextFieldType.INPUT) {
				a.setType( LTextFieldType.INPUT);
			return a;
		mouseEvent : function (event, type, cood) {
			var s = this, on;
			if (s.inputBackLayer == null || type != LMouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN) {
			on = s.ismouseon(event, cood);
			if (!on) {
		_ll_getValue : function () {
			if (LGlobal.inputBox.style.display != NONE) {
				LGlobal.inputTextField.text = LGlobal.inputTextBox.value;
				LEvent.removeEventListener(LGlobal.inputTextBox, LKeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, LGlobal.inputTextField._ll_input);
				LGlobal.inputBox.style.display = NONE;
				LGlobal.inputTextField = null;
		/** @language chinese
		 * 当LTextField对象设置为输入框的时候,将LTextField对象的text值反映到输入框中。
		 * @method updateInput
		 * @since 1.9.0
		 * @public
		 * @example
		 * 	var theTextField = new LTextField();
		 * 	theTextField.x = 20;
		 * 	theTextField.y = 20;
		 * 	theTextField.text = "Click Enter Key to clear the text!";
		 * 	addChild(theTextField);
		 * 	var theTextField1 = new LTextField();
		 * 	theTextField1.text = "test";
		 * 	theTextField1.x = 20;
		 * 	theTextField1.y = 100;
		 * 	theTextField1.setType(LTextFieldType.INPUT);
		 * 	addChild(theTextField1);
		 * 	theTextField1.addEventListener(LTextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, function (e) {
		 * 		if(e.keyCode == 13){
		 * 			e.currentTarget.text = "";
		 * 			e.currentTarget.updateInput();
		 * 			e.preventDefault();
		 * 		}
		 * 	});
		 * 	setTimeout(function () {
		 * 		theTextField1.focus();
		 * 	}, 200);
		 * @examplelink <p><a href="../../../api/LTextField/updateInput.html" target="_blank">测试链接</a></p>
		updateInput : function () {
			var s = this;
			if (s.texttype == LTextFieldType.INPUT && LGlobal.inputTextField.objectIndex == s.objectIndex) {
				LGlobal.inputTextBox.value = LGlobal.inputTextField.text;
		_ll_input : function (e) {
			var event = new LEvent(LTextEvent.TEXT_INPUT);
			event.keyCode = e.keyCode;
			LGlobal.inputTextField.text = LGlobal.inputTextBox.value;
			if (LGlobal.inputTextField.hasEventListener(LTextEvent.TEXT_INPUT)) {
				e.returnValue = LGlobal.inputTextField.dispatchEvent(event);
			} else {
				e.returnValue = true;
		/** @language chinese
		 * 获取焦点。
		 * @method focus
		 * @since 1.9.0
		 * @public
		 * @example
		 * 	var theTextField = new LTextField();
		 * 	theTextField.x = 20;
		 * 	theTextField.y = 20;
		 * 	theTextField.text = "Click the Enter Key, please!";
		 * 	addChild(theTextField);
		 * 	var theTextField1 = new LTextField();
		 * 	theTextField1.x = 20;
		 * 	theTextField1.y = 100;
		 * 	theTextField1.setType(LTextFieldType.INPUT);
		 * 	addChild(theTextField1);
		 * 	theTextField1.addEventListener(LTextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, function (e) {
		 * 		if(e.keyCode == 13){
		 * 			theTextField2.focus();
		 * 		}
		 * 	});
		 * 	var theTextField2 = new LTextField();
		 * 	theTextField2.x = 20;
		 * 	theTextField2.y = 140;
		 * 	theTextField2.setType(LTextFieldType.INPUT);
		 * 	addChild(theTextField2);
		 * 	theTextField2.addEventListener(LTextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, function (e) {
		 * 		if(e.keyCode == 13){
		 * 			theTextField1.focus();
		 * 		}
		 * 	});
		 * 	setTimeout(function () {
		 * 		theTextField1.focus();
		 * 	}, 200);
		 * @examplelink <p><a href="../../../api/LTextField/focus.html" target="_blank">测试链接</a></p>
		focus : function () {
			var s = this, sc, sx;
			if (!s.parent) {
			if (s.texttype != LTextFieldType.INPUT) {
			if (LGlobal.inputTextField && LGlobal.inputTextField.objectIndex != s.objectIndex) {
			sc = s.getAbsoluteScale();
			LGlobal.inputBox.style.display = "";
			LGlobal.inputBox.name = "input" + s.objectIndex;
			LGlobal.inputTextField = s;
			LGlobal.inputTextareaBoxObj.style.display = NONE;
			LGlobal.inputTextBoxObj.style.display = NONE;
			LGlobal.passwordBoxObj.style.display = NONE;
			if (s.displayAsPassword) {
				LGlobal.inputTextBox = LGlobal.passwordBoxObj;
			} else if (s.multiline) {
				LGlobal.inputTextBox = LGlobal.inputTextareaBoxObj;
			} else {
				LGlobal.inputTextBox = LGlobal.inputTextBoxObj;
			sx = parseInt(LGlobal.canvasObj.style.width) / LGlobal.canvasObj.width;
			sy = parseInt(LGlobal.canvasObj.style.height) / LGlobal.canvasObj.height;
			LGlobal.inputTextBox.style.display = "";
			LGlobal.inputTextBox.value = s.text;
			LGlobal.inputTextBox.style.height = s.inputBackLayer.getHeight() * sc.scaleY * s.scaleY * sy + "px";
			LGlobal.inputTextBox.style.width = s.inputBackLayer.getWidth() * sc.scaleX * s.scaleX * sx + "px";
			LGlobal.inputTextBox.style.color = s.color;
			LGlobal.inputTextBox.style.fontSize = ((s.size * parseFloat(LGlobal.canvasObj.style.height) / LGlobal.canvasObj.height) >> 0) + "px";
			LGlobal.inputTextBox.style.fontFamily = s.font;
			LEvent.addEventListener(LGlobal.inputTextBox, LKeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, LGlobal.inputTextField._ll_input);
			if (s.texttype == LTextFieldType.INPUT) {
				rc = s.getRootCoordinate();
				if (LGlobal.inputBox.name == "input" + s.objectIndex) {
					LGlobal.inputBox.style.marginTop = (parseInt(LGlobal.canvasObj.style.marginTop) + (((rc.y + s.inputBackLayer.startY()) * parseInt(LGlobal.canvasObj.style.height) / LGlobal.canvasObj.height) >>> 0)) + "px";
					LGlobal.inputBox.style.marginLeft = (parseInt(LGlobal.canvasObj.style.marginLeft) + (((rc.x + s.inputBackLayer.startX()) * parseInt(LGlobal.canvasObj.style.width) / LGlobal.canvasObj.width) >>> 0)) + "px";
			setTimeout(function () {
			}, 0);
		_getWidth : function () {
			var s = this;
			if (s.wordWrap) {
				return s.width;
			LGlobal.canvas.font = s.size + "px " + s.font;
			return LGlobal.canvas.measureText(s.text).width;
		/** @language chinese
		 * 获取显示对象的宽度,以像素为单位。
		 * @method getWidth
		 * @return {float} 显示对象的宽度。
		 * @since 1.0.0
		 * @public
		 * @example
		 * 	var theTextField = new LTextField();
		 * 	theTextField.text = "getWidth test";
		 * 	addChild(theTextField);
		 * 	trace(theTextField.getWidth());
		 * @examplelink <p><a href="../../../api/LTextField/getWidth.html" target="_blank">测试链接</a></p>
		getWidth : function (maskSize) {
			var s = this, w, mx, mw;
			w = s._getWidth() * s.scaleX;
			if (maskSize && s.mask) {
				mx = s.mask._startX ? s.mask._startX() : s.mask.startX();
				if (mx > w) {
					return 0;
				mw = s.mask.getWidth();
				if (mx + mw > w) {
					return w - mx;
				} else {
					return mw;
			return w;
		_getHeight : function () {
			var s = this, c = LGlobal.canvas, i, l, j, k, m, enter;
			if (s.wordWrap) {
				c.font = s.weight + " " + s.size + "px " + s.font;
				if (s.height == 0) {
					j = 0, k = 0, m = 0;
					for (i = 0, l = s.text.length; i < l; i++) {
						enter = /(?:\r\n|\r|\n|¥n)/.exec(s.text.substr(i, 1));
						if (enter) {
							j = 0;
							k = i + 1;
						j = c.measureText(s.text.substr(k, i + 1 - k)).width;
						if (s.wordWrap && j + c.measureText(s.text.substr(i + 1, 1)).width > s.width) {
							j = 0;
							k = i + 1;
					s.height = (m + 1) * s.wordHeight;
				return s.height;
			c.font = s.weight + " " + s.size + "px " + s.font; 
			l = c.measureText("O").width * 1.2;
			if (s.heightMode == LTextField.HEIGHT_MODE_BASELINE) {
				l = l * 1.2;
			return l;
		/** @language chinese
		 * 获取显示对象的高度,以像素为单位。
		 * @method getHeight
		 * @return {float} 显示对象的高度。
		 * @since 1.0.0
		 * @public
		 * @example
		 * 	var theTextField = new LTextField();
		 * 	theTextField.text = "getHeight test";
		 * 	addChild(theTextField);
		 * 	trace(theTextField.getHeight());
		 * @examplelink <p><a href="../../../api/LTextField/getHeight.html" target="_blank">测试链接</a></p>
		getHeight : function (maskSize) {
			var s = this, h, my, mh;
			h = s._getHeight() * s.scaleY;
			if (maskSize && s.mask) {
				my = s.mask._startY ? s.mask._startY() : s.mask.startY();
				if (my > h) {
					return 0;
				mh = s.mask.getHeight();
				if (my + mh > h) {
					return h - my;
				} else {
					return mh;
			return h;
		/** @language chinese
		 * 文本逐字显示(打字机效果)。
		 * @method wind
		 * @since 1.3.0
		 * @public
		 * @example
		 * 	LInit(50, "legend", 800, 480, main);
		 * 	function main () {
		 * 		var theTextField = new LTextField();
		 * 		theTextField.text = "wait click";
		 * 		theTextField.x = 10;
		 * 		theTextField.y = 10;
		 * 		theTextField.size = 20;
		 * 		addChild(theTextField);
		 * 		var button = new LButtonSample1("wind test start");
		 * 		button.textField = theTextField;
		 * 		button.x = 10;
		 * 		button.y = 100;
		 * 		addChild(button);
		 * 		button.addEventListener(LMouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onclick);
		 * 	}
		 * 	function windOver(event){
		 * 		var theTextField = event.target;
		 * 		theTextField.removeEventListener(LTextEvent.WIND_COMPLETE, windOver);
		 * 		theTextField.text = "wind over";
		 * 	}
		 * 	function onclick(event){
		 * 	var theTextField = event.currentTarget.textField;
		 * 		if (theTextField.hasEventListener(LTextEvent.WIND_COMPLETE)) {
		 * 			theTextField.removeEventListener(LTextEvent.WIND_COMPLETE, windOver);
		 * 		}
		 * 		theTextField.speed = 3;
		 * 		theTextField.wind();
		 * 		theTextField.addEventListener(LTextEvent.WIND_COMPLETE, windOver);
		 * 	}
		 * @examplelink <p><a href="../../../api/LTextField/wind.html" target="_blank">测试链接</a></p>
		wind : function (listener) {
			var s = this;
			s.wind_over_function = listener;
			s.windRunning = true;
			s._ll_wind_text = s.text;
			s.text = "";
			s._ll_wind_length = 0;
		_ll_windRun : function () {
			var s = this;
			if (s._speedIndex++ < s.speed) {
			s._speedIndex = 0;
			if (s._ll_wind_length > s._ll_wind_text.length) {
				s.windRunning = false;
				if (s.wind_over_function) {
				s.dispatchEvent(new LEvent(LTextEvent.WIND_COMPLETE));
			s.text = s._ll_wind_text.substring(0, s._ll_wind_length);
		/** @language chinese
		 * <p>清空所使用的内存。</p>
		 * @method die
		 * @since 1.0.0
		 * @public
		die : function () {
	for (var k in p) {
		LTextField.prototype[k] = p[k];
	return LTextField;
/** @language chinese
 * LTextField对象获得焦点后调度。
 * <p><a href="LFocusEvent.html#property_FOCUS_IN">LFocusEvent.FOCUS_IN</a></p>
 * @event LFocusEvent.FOCUS_IN
/** @language chinese
 * LTextField对象失去焦点后调度。
 * <p><a href="LFocusEvent.html#property_FOCUS_OUT">LFocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT</a></p>
 * @event LFocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT
/** @language chinese
 * 不可用。
 * @event LMouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN
/** @language chinese
 * 不可用。
 * @event LMouseEvent.MOUSE_UP
/** @language chinese
 * 不可用。
 * @event LMouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE
/** @language chinese
 * 不可用。
 * @event LMouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT
/** @language chinese
 * 不可用。
 * @event LMouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER
/** @language chinese
 * 不可用。
 * @event LMouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK